Study Path
The following study path is an estimation of academic activities each student will be having in eight semesters:

International Exposures

It is a 2 + 2 Articulation Program between Faculty of Psychology UNAIR and the School of Psychology and Counselling, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Australia.
Students will study first 2 years (4 semester) in the IUP Psychology UNAIR and continue 2 (4 semester) years in the School of Psychology and Counselling, Faculty of Health, QUT.
Students will be awarded Sarjana Psikologi (S.Psi.) from Universitas Airlangga and Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology) from Queensland University of Technology.
Students are required to join a Student Exchange Program for at least one semester in partner universities to get course credit transfer* and credit earning**.
The program aims to provide students to experience different academic atmosphere abroad and to gain valuable experience of different social and cultural environment as an integrated part of their regular students.
Our partner universities:
*courses that are equivalent to curriculum of the IUP Psychology UNAIR
**courses outside the field of psychology and are not equivalent to curriculum of the IUP Psychology UNAIR
Students are offered to take one of Student Outbound Programs organized by Faculty of Psychology and Airlangga Global Engagement. The Programs take less than a semester, typically a maximum of 4 weeks at host universities in the form of a summer course, international conference, social visits, research internship, and others.
Our partner universities include:
- QUT, Australia
- University Utara Malaysia
- Asia University, Taiwan
- MSU, Malaysia
- Zhejiang University, China
- Warsaw University, Poland
- University of Malaya, Malaysia
- University of Brunei Darussalam, Brunei